Hubby and I were privileged to fly down to Napier at the weekend for his Aunt’s 100th birthday celebrations. This is the other project I was working on. Because Aunty May is now in a rest home and has everything she needs, her daughter requested no presents but I still felt I should do something so I bought a small strong cardboard suitcase from Spotlight and attempted to alter it so that she had something to keep all her 100th special cards and letters in. This is the result:
It was harder to decorate than I thought. Haven’t had much practice with this sort of thing so most of it was trial and error. As Aunty May’s eyesight is very bad, guess she won’t notice the mistakes though.
I kind of cheated with her card. This is a card I made at one of Debbie’s classes but decided to use it as Aunty May’s card and just added the ‘100 years young’ tag to it.
Such a gorgeous card (thanks for this Debbie).
Some photos that might interest you – the first one is of the grand old lady herself with my hubby Neville; then the inside of the card from the Queen and the card from the Hon. John Key; and of course, the cake.
Wishing you all many, many years of good health and happiness so that you too can reach the wonderful milestone of 100 years.