No excuses (unless you insist) so will try and make up for lost time. What have you been doing you might ask? Well, have done a bit of creating but have mainly been getting cards ready for my new project “Cards for Cancer”.
Here is the basket ready to take into Auckland Hospital’s Oncology department (day care centre). These cards are free to patients who are undergoing treatment for cancer and hopefully will give them some pleasure looking through them and picking out one each visit to give to either family, friends or a caregiver for their birthday or as a thank you for all their help. I have already received some cards for the cause from Heather (thanks so much) and have offers from other demonstrators in both New Zealand and Australia for further contributions of Cards for Cancer. I know I have asked everyone at a most awkward time – this Thursday the annual Australia/NZ Convention for Stampin’ Up! starts in Melbourne. I’m not going, boo hoo! Hopefully once they get home and back into action, there will be more arriving in my mailbox.
Will keep you all posted as to how this project is going and whether it was well received by the recipients. If you have any spare cards you have made and would like to donate to a good cause, please email me and I will send my mailing address. These would be gratefully received as I think I am going to be hard-pressed to keep up with the demand.
Will have more posts to put up this week to make up for lost time.