… a fellow SU demonstrator called around yesterday afternoon and just look at the beautiful roses she brought for me. She thought I needed some cheering up as I didn’t receive very good news at my oncology check-up last week. Won’t bore you with the details now as I still have a lot of questions myself, and once I have a clearer picture of where I’m at and what’s going to happen in the future, will let you all know.
Anyway despite all of that I had a really nice day yesterday. Went to the gym (yes, I am still going and now it is more important than ever to keep it
up as long as I can).
I have found myself a gardener who has updated and tidied up my garden, pruned trees etc. and who will come back at regular intervals to maintain it. That’s a big stress relief as neither my husband or I are gardeners, and though we managed to do it before now find it a major chore. Here are some photos showing you how nice it looks now (glad I didn’t take any before photos):
It needs some nice flowers added but with winter coming it’s not a good time to plant them so will wait until Spring. In the meantime at least it looks tidy.
I am busy preparing for my first demonstration on Saturday, then next week have planned a scrapbooking evening (that’s if anyone replies and comes!!) This is keeping me busy and takes my mind off my health issues. Will have some card photos hopefully to post either later today or tomorrow.
Now that my computer is back up and running, I'm making up for lost time, hehe. I had a lovely time catching up with you the other day and am glad you liked the roses. I can vouch that your gardens look lovely! Might have to employ a gardener myself if I can't keep mine up to a reasonable standard, especially with winter coming.
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